Author: Veronica Lichtenstein, LMHC
Jan 23, 2021
Dear Client:
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to working with you in 2021! I am especially excited about the chance to receive you in my office. I anticipate that that will happen around June 2021. By then, hopefully we will have put COVID-19 behind us and it will be safer to share space. Perhaps that date will be sooner, depending on the efficacy of the vaccine, etc. I will, of course, keep you updated on this as I learn more.
In the meantime, we will continue to meet online. Please note that due to more stringent insurance policies, in compliance with HIPAA, I will be switching to a new video chat called doxy.me starting the new year. It is really simple to use and it’s free! Please click on the link below for a quick tutorial on it. If you need assistance on this transition, you can call Brenda at (561) 903-8255 or email Talk@VeronicaListens.com or V@VeronicaListens.com.
My doxy.me address is https://doxy.me/vlicht
Since we will be starting the first half of the year utilizing Telehealth, I have attached a Telehealth Informed Consent policy for your review and signature. Please send it back as soon as possible so we can keep your file updated.
Next, I am reminding you to please notify my office if you have any insurance changes. I am attaching an insurance verification worksheet to assist you in providing new information. Note that the insurance information you provide must be your primary insurance. If we do not hear from you, we will re-verify your benefits for the new year based on the insurance info you previously provided. Some of your benefits/copays may have changed due to the new year, so thank you, in advance, for your patience as we work hard to synergize my services with your plan. We encourage you to check with your insurance company to determine your benefits, too.
Finally, I have revamped my Policies and Procedures. Please download the linked document and sign so we have record that you have received it. Some of the highlights include a new piece regarding social media and your confidentiality. I think it’s important to address this issue as social media is a widely used vehicle to obtain information and it affects your privacy. I have also changed the fee for Late Cancel or Missed appointments to $75. Please read through the documentation thoroughly to get all the latest policies and procedures. All of these new docs can be found on the Appointments page of my website.
Thank you for choosing me to be your therapist. I look forward to “seeing” you soon.
Most Sincerely,
Veronica Lichtenstein, LMHC